
Intuition Park
December 12, 2022
Anton Yagupov, Lyova Lovushka, Vladimir Dudnikov, Artyom Tyurin

Nezabudk_ is check-lists that help you deal with daily tasks more efficiently and not forget anything. Each list has the creator’s experience and their mistakes on it. You can look through the existing check-lists or make ones of your own.

We believe that every project is the result of creation and labor. To do something well, you need to treat it as a lovely flower you’re growing. The more carefully you look after it — water it, nourish it, treat it in a very special way — the more thriving the flower will be, even the most demanding one.

Flowers are created procedurally with Blender and are planted on the site as a lottie animation.

Learn from most awesome experts, plant new flowers and don’t forget to water them tick what is done.

Idea, arrangement, layout — 
Anton Yagupov
flowers and render —
Lyova Lovushka
PR and communication — 
Vladimir Dudnikov
texts and editing — 
Artyom Tyurin