Dodo Pizza
The largest pizza chain in Russia and the most open company in Russian business
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Paratype has designed the corporate typeface for Dodo Pizza! It is an open sans-serif with rounded terminals. It is functional, variable and very friendly.
Пицца 35 см
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Before that Dodo Pizza used VAG Rounded for corporate typography. It matched the brand character and became recognisable, but there were problems as it has just two styles: light and bold, a limited number of characters and imperfect Cyrillic. We also made calculations and found out that as the pizza chain grew, we would need more and more licenses and very soon it would be too expensive.
We decided to create our own typeface with characters for the languages of all the countries where we have or are going to have our pizza chain, with “our” mood, with all the necessary fonts. ANd what it most important we needed a good Cyrillic type. We analyzed these criteria and selected Paratype.
Here is what we got:
Dodo Rounded is a rounded sans-serif with normal proportions. There two axes of variation: the uppercase width varies from narrow to extra wide and the type weight varies from extra light to demi bold:
The typeface supports Russian, English, German, Polish, Romanian, Slovenian, Finnish, Hungarian, Uzbek, Czech, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Belarusian and 80 other languages:
The character set covers all designers’ dreams. The type has monospaced and superscript numbers for price tags, currency symbols for all the countries where the pizza chain is represented, single-storey letter “a”, slashed zero for promo codes, standard ligatures and other alternate characters:
Паста Болоньезе
Промокод на первую пиццу
$4 85₴
9€ 31/2
70 м2
The text mood and pattern stays the same and the typefaces’ design is very balanced in any language:
Русский. Один из наиболее распространённых языков мира — шестым среди всех языков мира по общей численности говорящих и восьмым по численности владеющих им как родным. Также является самым распространённым славянским языком и самым распространённым языком в Европе.
Čeština je blízká a vzájemně dobře srozumitelná se slovenštinou. Rozdíly mezi těmito dvěma jazyky jsou menší než rozdíly mezi některými nářečími jiných jazyků. Například severoněmecké dialekty němčiny jsou jen obtížně srozumitelné s jižními a jsou více příbuzné staré angličtině nebo nizozemštině než spisovné němčině.
Suomi. Suomen kieltä puhutaan enimmäkseen Suomessa, jossa sitä puhuu äidinkielenään noin 90 % maan asukkaista, vuoden 2015 lopussa lähes 4,9 miljoonaa. Lisäksi Suomessa on arviolta puoli miljoonaa ihmistä, jotka puhuvat suomea toisena kielenä.
Limba română este o limbă indo-europeană, din grupul italic și din subgrupul oriental al limbilor romanice. Printre limbile romanice, româna este a cincea după numărul de vorbitori, în urma spaniolei, portughezei, francezei și italienei.
Қазақша. Қазақ жазуы бірнеше рет өзгеріске ұшыраған. 1929 жылға дейін Қазақстанда қазақ араб жазуы пайдаланылды. 20 ғасыр басында Ахмет Байтұрсынұлы ұсынысымен қазақ фонетикасының ерекшеліктері ескеріліп жасалған, араб графикасына негізделген ‘’төте жазу‘’ пайдаланылған. Қазіргі кезге дейін Қытай еліндегі қазақтар осы жазу үлгісін пайдаланады.
Deutsch. Außerdem ist sie eine Minderheitensprache in einigen europäischen und außereuropäischen Ländern, z. B. in Rumänien und Südafrika, sowie Nationalsprache im afrikanischen Namibia. Unter dem Begriff „deutsche Sprache“ wird heute primär die auf der Grundlage von mitteldeutschen und oberdeutschen Dialekten entstandene hochdeutsche Standardsprache (Standardhochdeutsch) verstanden.
Українська мова. Норми української мови встановлюються у словниках української мови та українському правописі, які затверджуються Міністерством освіти і науки за рекомендаціями фахівців з української мови наукових установ Національної академії наук, інших наукових установ, вищих навчальних закладів.
This project is a result of a long way, with lots of dead ends, misunderstanding and going in circles. Frankly speaking, at one moment one of us even said: “are we sure we wanna do it? Maybe we should fix the losses and stop wasting time?” But Dodo Pizza is a company with a high culture of personal responsibility. The determinant factor was certain persons’ belief in this project, so it worked out.
Presenting Dodo Rounded to the team:
Examples of use: